Category Archives: Jaguar

FPS of the Year – 1995

This is a big year, no lie. I won’t say it’s the biggest year, but holy damn. A lot of titles I couldn’t even find a box cover for, so sorry about that. Also, a lot of titles doesn’t mean a lot of good games, so…well, let’s just get into it.
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Filed under 3DO, Amiga, Atari, Atari ST, GotY Series, Jaguar, Mac, PC, PS1, Retro, Saturn, Sega, Sony, Videogames

FPS of the Year 1994

This is a BIG year, but I think getting movies for all the games and briefly going over them, while it creates more work for me, is a better way of going about this. Sure, it means the article is HUGE, but unless I’m told it’s also BORING, I’m going to keep doing this so you can get a more accurate side by side comparison. That said, let’s hop into it!
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Filed under 3DO, Amiga, Atari, Genesis, GotY Series, Jaguar, Mac, PC, Retro, Sega, Sega CD, Videogames