Tag Archives: 7

Why I Can’t Be Happy About The Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trailer

The Internet has been buzzing with all kinds of chatter and excitement about the new Final Fantasy 7 remake trailer and as much as I love FF7, I simply cannot get behind it. I know, I know…it sounds almost like I’m being deliberately contradicting and a real stick in the mud, but I assure you that’s not it. The real problem stems not from what Final Fantasy 7 was, but from what Square-Enix IS.
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Filed under PS4, Retro, Sony, Videogames

The Great Steam Roundup – Episode 8

Ayup, another random collection of stuff. For this roundup we have a wannabe that actually works quite well, a puzzle game that references new gen puzzles, two unfortunate titles, and two kickass titles that I’m truly surprised I didn’t mention as early as the original Steam Roundup. Could’ve been that I wanted to give them full page reviews, but ehh. Let’s go!
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Filed under PC, Steam Roundup, Videogames

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things – Episode 7

Once again, there are some spoilers here. And yes, the pics have videos embedded, so if you spot something you’d rather not, don’t click! Today I’m mostly going to write about death, destruction, and the apocalypse. However, not all is doom and gloom. This will be one that I’m certain you’ll watch again and again. Have fun!
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Filed under Gameboy Advance, Nintendo, PC, PS1, PS2, PS3, Retro, SNES, Sony, These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things, Videogames, X Box 360

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things – Episode 5

What the hell are you reading my intro for?
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Filed under PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, Retro, Sony, These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things, Videogames, X Box 360

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things – Episode 1

Just so no one gets confused regarding the order, yes, this is the original. When I initially set out making this site, I wanted ALL of my newest content to come first, so often if I neglected putting up older episodes and I have inspiration to do a new episode, what will happen is I put up the newest, then start putting up the older ones. Again, I apologize about the order, but it’s just the way they fell out.
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Filed under Gameboy Advance, Nintendo, PS1, PS2, PS3, PSN, PSP, Retro, SNES, Sony, These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things, Videogames, Virtual Console, X Box 360

RPG of the Year – 1997

There are only 13 games, but I assure you, these are some BIG games. The other titles are massively overshadowed by the top 5 since the rest range from okay to completely fucking sucks. I would honestly call this the most bipolar year, because you either played a game that was totally awesome or you didn’t and there was very little middle ground.
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Filed under GotY Series, PC, PS1, Retro, Saturn, Sega, Sony, Videogames

RPG of the Year – 1992

This time around I noticed there are more console titles and the SNES especially is getting a good start. Unfortunately, most of those titles don’t belong on a top 5 list. Sure, games like Mystic Quest and Soul Blazer are fun, but out of all the rest? Ha, no. Not too surprisingly, there are a lot of great PC RPGs this time around, making it pretty hard to call it in some cases. There are 22 titles this time, so let’s hop into it!
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Filed under GotY Series, Nintendo, PC, Retro, SNES, Videogames